Watch This HILARIOUS Children's Parody Of The Republican Debate

In this hysterical skit from FunnyOrDie, last week’s Republican debate is satirized by a group of adorable children, who approach the event with the same level of seriousness and sophistication as their adult counterparts did.

The children recite lines actually uttered by the crowd of buffoons who apparently believe that they can actually be the President of the United States, and the difference is both hilarious and slightly gut-wrenching as it hits home just how absurd and how empty their statements are.

They also use creative editing to highlight the hypocrisy of some of the candidates’ attitudes- especially those of Mike Huckabee, who proudly proclaims his devotion to the protection of life in one breath and the use of the military to “kill people and break things” in the next. Once again, FunnyOrDie has skewered the Republican circus with poignant hilarity.

Watch it here:

Little Republicans: Presidential Debate Highlights – watch more funny videos


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