When a family in Oktaha, Oklahoma put up a sign on their gun range declaring it a “Muslim-Free Zone,” they got more than they bargained for. A truly unnecessary declaration, it quickly gathered global attention and they began receiving threats from across the world for their open discrimination. The owners said they were forced to put up the sign because “we feel like we shouldn’t be arming the terrorist or training the terrorist.”
Nicole Mayhorn, an owner, complained that “well, we’re a little overwhelmed over the whole thing, to be honest, both the positive and the negative. Like I said, it’s been crazy, a little hurtful, I won’t lie, it does hurt my feelings a little bit, but it comes with it.”
It is hurtful to be discriminated against. One might think this would have taught her a valuable lesson in respecting others, but unsurprisingly, it did not. Her and her husband’s next course of action was to round up a group of local firearms enthusiasts to stand guard outside their gun range, like the self-declared militias who posted up outside of the military recruiting stations a few weeks ago.
One of those men, in an entirely unpredictable sequence of events, has shot himself in the leg, despite his request that the media not “paint us as ignorant hillbillies.” County Sheriff Charles Pearson said that he “saw several of those gentlemen out there yesterday. The way they were holding their weapons, with the fingers on the triggers, you can tell a couple of these gentlemen have no idea about weapons safety. It’s like the Clampetts have come to town.”
The utter absurdity of a family needing to declare their bigotry to the world in the backwoods of Oklahoma just goes to show how gullible and easily frightened the American people are. There are so many bigger threats to their precious freedoms, but all the right-wing can do is prattle on about the dangers of Muslims and foreigners.