Nigeria Reopens Investigation Into Dick Cheney's Halliburton For Massive Bribery Scandal

Dick Cheney, former vice president, neoconservative war criminal and blood profiteer, is notorious for the way he and the company he once headed, Halliburton, made millions off the Iraq War. It appears that the blatant corruption that followed is business as usual for the oil and natural gas giant, as the Nigeria’s new President Muhammadu Buhari has announced he will reopen the investigation against Cheney’s Halliburton for perpetrating a massive bribery scandal in the oil-rich but very unstable African nation.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission detained ten Halliburton operatives and raided the company’s Lagos offices in 2010 and announced that they planned to summon Cheney to face justice. Halliburton $180 million in bribes over ten years to secure some $6 billion in contracts for Bonny Island liquefied natural gas program in the Niger River delta. Halliburton pled guilty and settled for $597 million in American court. The case against Cheney was bungled and dropped, but since the United States demanded that all of those involved be punished before the seized bribe money can be returned to Nigeria, Buhari has announced his intention to seek out and charge those who escaped justice the first time.

The political instability and rampant violence that rocks Nigeria to this day all stems back to the corruption which accompanies billlions in oil money. Cheney and Halliburton’s greed has destabilized multiple nations and is responsible for an untold and unquantifiable amount of suffering. President Buhari has claimed that he cannot be bought and has vowed to bring an end to the culture of corruption in his nation; this will be an interesting test of his resolve and mettle.

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