Despicable NRA Ignores 9/11 Victims, Honors Lost Gun Instead

The NRA, America’s deadly consortium of militant white males, firearm fetishists, and paranoid xenophobes has reached new depths in their morbid obsession. On the 14th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the NRA has decided to publish a memorial…about a gun that survived. The officer carrying it did not., an NRA propaganda site, posted this picture of “the gun that survived 9/11” with this caption:

This ordinary stainless steel revolver was carried by New York Police Officer Walter Weaver. On Sept. 11, 2001, Weaver took it as he rushed into the World Trade Center in New York City after it was attacked by the radical Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda. Like far too many, Officer Weaver never made it out that day … but his revolver was recovered from the ashes.

There is so much wrong with this it’s hard to know where to start. Personifying the gun and implying that it had a “life” to “survive” is beyond macabre and well into the realm of utterly bizarre. It really speaks to just how far down the rabbit-hole the NRA machine has gone, that their connection with these inanimate objects is so powerful that it would seem appropriate to honor a weapon instead of the man who carried it, Officer Weaver, who lost his life attempting to save others.


This is Officer Walter Weaver, from Centereach, New York. He was thirty years old on that awful day. The Long Island Newsday reports that “he was last seen on the 6th floor in the north tower, attempting to free passengers trapped in an elevator. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the NYPD’s highest honor. His remains were never found.”

He is a true American hero, and we honor his sacrifice. We do not honor the tool, the inanimate object carried on his hip, next to his flashlight, and other tools. Weaver gave his life to save those of others, an act of the purest love that one might find, and that is what we should be remembering.

We should pay no mind to the garish and twisted hunk of metal above, scrap that would have better served as a warning but instead has become a symbol of the blood and steel that would be shed over the next fourteen years in response. The NRA is no stranger to utterly appalling statements and show nothing but disregard for the safety of the American people, their beings, and their lives…but this is low, even for then.

h/t to the good folks at FreakOutNation



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