Idaho Republicans Set To Use Bible To Teach Science & History In Public Schools
Conservatives in Idaho, intent on dismantling the separation of church and state to impose their religious ideals on public schoolchildren have just approved a bill that would allow the Bible to be used as a “reference book” during the teaching of…pretty much any subject. The Idaho Senate Education Committee has green lit bill SB 1321,…
Colorado Republican: Planned Parenthood Deserves Terrorist Attacks
According to this Colorado lawmaker, “zealots” like Robert Dear are necessary to “restore” America — and it’s Planned Parenthood’s own fault he attacked them.
Planned Parenthood Shooter's Ex-Wife: He's An Anti-Choice, Right-Wing Religious Zealot
Is anyone really surprised by this revelation?
Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially GOP Lawmakers)
In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the ‘pro-life’ movement: “I do not believe that just because you’re opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not…
Religious Leaders to Paul Ryan: Stop Distorting Religion To Justify Economic Inequality
Religious leaders across America from the group Faith In Public Life have a powerful message for new Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan: stop distorting the Catholic faith to justify an agenda that helps the rich and hurts everyone else. When Paul Ryan was elected as Speaker of the House, Faith In Public Life made sure America knew what Ryan…
Hobby Lobby Under Federal Investigation For Stealing Priceless Iraqi Bible Relics
“Thou shalt not steal” apparently does not apply to the hyperreligious Hobby Lobby founders.
Leaked: The Photos Josh Duggar Used To Lure Women On Ashley Madison Profile
Ever wonder what sort of photos a Christian child molester would use on a website intended to help married men find themselves on the wrong side of their sacred vows? After the data dump of the cheating web site’s clientele, Duggar found himself with the dubious honor of being one of the first people who…
Altar Welfare: Churches Steal $71 Billion A Year From Taxpayers, Spend Little On Charity
There is a lot of hypocrisy going on in Washington, but none worse than what’s perpetrated on the American public by Republicans in the name of religion and vague appeals to “fiscal responsibility”. The Republican Party has the mendacity to stand in the way of legislation that would close hidden corporate and personal tax loopholes…
In One Quote – Democrat Cory Booker Shames Every Single Religious Extremist & Bigoted Lawmaker
Every day we see and hear lawmakers and people of ‘faith’ using the word of God to hurt others. These hypocrites spew hatred and pass laws against women, blacks, Muslims, LGBT, Hispanics, the mentally ill, the disadvantaged, and the homeless. Yet, if we look at religions, we find most originate in love. Over time, the…