Tag: economy

  • US Treasury: Obama Has Officially Fixed The Economy Bush Wrecked

    US Treasury: Obama Has Officially Fixed The Economy Bush Wrecked

    US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has some good tidings for all Americans: our economy is doing better now than when President Obama took office and that after much trial and tribulation, we have finally recovered from all the damage that the Bush Administration did to our economy. Mr. Lew appeared on FOX Business to say that “where…

  • The Timeless 2012 Bernie Sanders Speech That Could Nail 2016

    “You know, I, for the love of me, I cannot understand why people who have billions of dollars are compulsively driven for more and how many people have got to die because they don’t go to a doctor, because you want to avoid paying your taxes?” ~ Bernie Sanders I do love this man, and…

  • U.S. Farmers: Trump's Immigration Plan Would Spell Disaster For Our Agricultural Industry

    Donald Trump and reality have never been friends. His anti-immigration rhetoric and the all the weeping about the fact that “they took our jobs!” is patently false, designed to stir up the easily frightened and those inclined to mistrust – and real American business owners are confronting him with the facts. According to a piece…

  • WSJ: Forget China, REPUBLICANS Are The Biggest Threat to America's Economy

    The Republican Party has spent decades attempting to paint themselves as the party of “fiscal responsibility,” despite having driven our nation into a recession through rampant deregulation and crippling the middle class with their empirically ineffective fantasies of “trickle down economics“. President Obama has done an incredible job bailing out the ship, but the GOP refuses…

  • The Infographic that Destroys All Republican Lies About Obama's Economy

    The numbers are in, and here’s an infographic detailing exactly of how President Obama has healed our ailing economy, and solidly refutes all the Republican doomsday lies, half-truths, and distortions that they disseminate through their right-wing propaganda machines. Since Pres. Obama took office, America has added 7,206,000 jobs. He dropped the high unemployment rate that…

  • Watch: Bill Maher Destroys Ted Cruz's Lies About Obama's Economy

    In this clip from this week’s Real Time, host Bill Maher defends President Obama’s great economic record while destroying Ted Cruz’s carefully orchestrated hysteria and lies about it. — the same hysteria and lies that, incidentally, made a little girl cry when the Republican Senator told her that, because of Pres. Obama’s economic policies, her…