Fox News: It’s OK That Andrew Jackson Owned Slaves, But Obama Is “Dividing the Country” With Tubman On $20
You read that right.
Hey Republicans, Guess How Many Of The Brussels Attackers Were Refugees
Another dangerous FOX News myth is dispelled by reality.
Twitter Unloads On Media For Their Double Standard When Covering Armed White "Militias"
Instead of calling them terrorists, this is what the media is calling them…
BUSTED! FOX News' "Terrorism Expert" Arrested By Feds For Impersonating A CIA Agent
FOX News has never been known for their journalistic integrity or their concern for things like “facts,” but one of their commentators has just been outed for his blatant lying- and was arrested for it. Wayne Simmons, a FOX commentator who specialized in “terrorism” coverage, has been arrested by federal authorities and indicted by a…