Watch A Retired Colonel Rip Cheney: He's An 'Insane' War Profiteer Who Won't Go Away!
In this clip, Republican Col. Lawrence Wilkerson sits down with Chris Hayes to lambaste former Vice President and war criminal Dick Cheney’s apocalyptic doomsday predictions regarding the nuclear peace deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. After a short introduction where FOX’s George Wallace confronts Cheney with the fact that the Cheney/Bush administration allowed Iran…
Nigeria Reopens Investigation Into Dick Cheney's Halliburton For Massive Bribery Scandal
Dick Cheney, former vice president, neoconservative war criminal and blood profiteer, is notorious for the way he and the company he once headed, Halliburton, made millions off the Iraq War. It appears that the blatant corruption that followed is business as usual for the oil and natural gas giant, as the Nigeria’s new President Muhammadu…