Trump: Let's Round Up The 'Wetbacks,' Drop Them In The Desert Like We Did In the 50's
During last night’s debate, Trump endorsed a deportation plan similar to Eisenhower’s atrocious “Operation Wetback.”
Colin Powell: I'm Going To Continue Being A Republican Only To 'Annoy' Extremist Tea Partiers
As funny as this statement is, Colin Powell really should be a Democrat.
Trump & GOP Panic As Obama Launches Plan To Make 8 Million Immigrants Eligible To Vote
Immigration and the 11 million undocumented folks living in the United States have been catapulted to the forefront of American politics and have become the over-hyped, fabricated non-problem of the day. Donald Trump launched his campaign for president by spewing hateful rhetoric about “Mexican rapists” and scapegoating minorities in a shameful appeal to the Republican Party’s xenophobic,…
Trump Is Gifting Dems The Latino & Asian Vote, Costing Republicans The White House
The United States of America is a nation of immigrants. It’s how the nation came to existence. No one person, outside that of the indigenous people who lived her prior to the arrival of the Pilgrims and the rest of our forefathers can say that this area of North America is exclusive to them and them…
Deportation-Obsessed Trump's Homeland Accepts 800,000 Immigrants In Need
While Donald Trump has been spreading hateful anti-immigration slurs and pushing for astonishing mass deportations here in the United States, his ancestral homeland of Germany has taken a very different approach to the immigration crisis currently facing the EU. Germany has just announced that they will take in some 800,000 Syrian refugees and asylum seekers,…
Watch: Bill Maher Sets An Immigrant-Hating Trump Supporter Straight
In this hilarious clip, Bill Maher ridicules the mainstream media’s obsession with the Trump phenomenon and slams Trump’s abrasive bravado and divisive minority-baiting speeches. He begins by listing a couple of Trump’s recent talking points before ripping him for his false claims about China- “‘they’ve taken our money and our jobs, its one of the greatest thefts…
U.S. Farmers: Trump's Immigration Plan Would Spell Disaster For Our Agricultural Industry
Donald Trump and reality have never been friends. His anti-immigration rhetoric and the all the weeping about the fact that “they took our jobs!” is patently false, designed to stir up the easily frightened and those inclined to mistrust – and real American business owners are confronting him with the facts. According to a piece…
Statistically, Trump Voters More Likely To Commit Crimes Than 'Illegal' Immigrants
Donald Trump blasted his way into the presidential race earlier this summer by appealing to the GOP’s xenophobic base and insulting immigrants — most notably, Mexican immigrants. After his disgusting campaign announcement speech where he called Mexicans “rapists” and criminals, he has since doubled down on his rhetoric again and again. America’s biggest embarrassment has…
Watch: Donald Trump's Racist Supporters Scream 'White Power' At Rally
The dark and ugly side of Donald Trump’s rampant racism was on full display as the presidential candidate made his way through Alabama. Twenty thousand people came out to show their support for the bigoted nativist, and, like their idol, they represented the worst in the American people. Many were open with sharing their racism…