Hero: Obama Blocks Sale Of Sacred Apache Land To Foreign Mining Firm
The Obama Administration has intervened to protect sacred Native American lands from being sold off to foreign mining corporations.
NRA Hostages: Americans Now Fear Guns More Than Terrorism
Americans as a whole accept that gun violence is one of the largest problems confronting our nation.
Koch Brothers Panic As Support For Their "Tea Party" Drops To Historic Low
Following the midterm elections 2010, a “grassroots” movement suddenly sprouted up in direct opposition to every aspect of the Democratic agenda. Known as the “Tea Party” in a shameless attempt to associate the movement with the ideals of the American Revolution, the movement was actually a product of the Koch Brothers and other hyper-conservative free-market…
Tea Party Republicans Left Dazed As Obama Cuts Bush's Deficit By $1 Trillion
When conservatives want to scare people into thinking we can’t afford basic social programs, there’s one thing they love to harp on: the public deficit. How can we guarantee healthcare to the people when we have so much debt?, they argue. But while that reasoning may be compelling to those whose worldview is filtered through…
Pro-Austerity Tea Partier Caught Funneling Nearly A Billion Tax Dollars To Military Industrial Complex
He has been throwing hundreds of millions at an Abrams tank plant in his district – even thought the Army neither wants nor needs more tanks.
Ben Bernanke: I'm Ditching The Republican Party Because Of Their 'Stupid Economic Conspiracies'
Ben Bernanke, former Bush appointee to Federal Reserve Chairman and former Princeton Economics professor slammed modern Republican economic policies in his new memoir. According to Bernanke, a life-long Republican, the far-right extremism that has taken over the Republican Party in the name of extreme conservatism: “It’s the stupid economics.…[they] saw inflation where it did not…
Obama: I Won't Negotiate With Legislative Terrorists Who Want To Shut Down Government
The extremist right-wing’s plans to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood have been temporarily delayed, but they are still squaring off to have the same fight all over again at the beginning of November. President Obama has had enough of this irresponsible brinkmanship, and unequivocally stated on Friday that he will NOT negotiate with these…
Colin Powell: I'm Going To Continue Being A Republican Only To 'Annoy' Extremist Tea Partiers
As funny as this statement is, Colin Powell really should be a Democrat.
Ben Carson: Screw The Constitution, Muslims Should Be Banned From The Presidency (VIDEO)
Ben Carson, lover of the Constitution, says that Muslims should be precluded from serving as President…a blatantly unconstitutional notion.
Bigot Bristol Palin Bashes Obama For His Kind White House Invite To Ahmed
When fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed was arrested in Irving, Texas, for bringing a homemade clock to school, President Obama stood by the young science enthusiast and praised him for his interests. “Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America…