Ronda Rousey To Trump: Stop Telling Folks I "Like" You — I'll Never Vote For You

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is so out of touch, he actually has the nerve to think he’s well-liked by people with half a brain.

In a recent interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Trump not only risked getting on Pope Francis’ bad side by threatening him with ISIS, but made the claim that famed UFC fighter Ronda Rousey was a fan of his! This topic came up as Trump and Cuomo discussed women in the military, and Trump took the opportunity to display even more sexism following his extremely offensive comments toward Fox News host and GOP debate moderator Megyn Kelly. You would think he would have learned that feminism is just not a strong point of his by now; his disregard for common decency is just astounding.

Trump started out by telling Cuomo there’s nothing wrong with women serving in the military, because “some of them are really, really good” and “really into it.” During this conversation, Trump repeatedly tried to assure Cuomo that he would do anything to protect women. He then said he’d prefer to “speak to the generals” so he could hear opinions “without a political bent.” Then Trump went off the deep end.

Using Rousey’s success as an example of women who can be skilled fighters, Trump said:

“I tell you what. I know some women that are just… Ronda Rousey is an example, who likes me! I’d take her on my side as a fighter.”

It’s unclear where the business mogul got the idea that Rousey was on team Trump, because it turns out she doesn’t like him at all, and even publicly expressed opposition for his presidential campaign last month! In an interview with CNN, Rousey shot any misinformation down and made it clear that she didn’t take the GOP front-runner seriously:

“I mean, I wouldn’t vote for him. I just really wouldn’t trust the guy with running my country, that’s all…. I’m not really going to get into specifics of it, but, I mean, I don’t want a reality TV star to be running my country.”

Sorry, Donald! Looks like Ronda’s just not that into you.

You can watch his remarks here, if you must:

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