Obama Meets Young Muslim Refugees, Vows To Keep Our Borders Open
President Obama noted today that “the world is currently focused on the humanitarian tragedy in Syria, where years of civil war have forced millions to flee to other countries to escape the bloodshed.” But he added, “the world must not forget about some 60 million people who have been displaced around the globe.” While visiting…
Obama & Warren's Reforms Are Forcing Big Banks To Break Themselves Up
Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are making Wall Street crooks scurry like roaches.
Obama Victorious As Iran Begins Fulfilling Nuclear Deal Ahead Of Schedule
Once again, Republican fearmongers were dead wrong.
Victory: Dominant Obama Wins Long-Term Budget Deal, Forces GOP To Abandon Spending Cuts
As House Speaker John Boehner prepares to leave office, he appears to be making a final bid to burnish his legacy. Turning his back on his House colleagues, he instead aims to put the American people first: by negotiating a long-term budget deal with the president to avert further threats of another costly government shutdown. In…
Republicans & NRA Panic As Obama Set To Use Executive Powers To Pass Gun Safety Reforms
President Obama has stood in front of the nation fifteen times and issued his condolences to families who have lost loved ones in a mass shooting. When he addressed America after twenty children and six teachers were killed in the Newtown Massacre he cried with us. So when he stood in front of us last week,…
Obama Takes Historic Step To End War On Drugs, Set To Release 6,000 Nonviolent Drug Offenders
The “War on Drugs” is one of the biggest policy failures in American history and the Department of Justice is finally starting to acknowledge it. The draconian sentencing guidelines, brought on by the Reagan administration’s attempts to rid the streets of drugs, have done nothing but tear families apart, put nonviolent drug offenders in prison — sometimes for decades…
Bernie: Republicans Blame Obama For ALL Their Problems, Have Selective Amnesia Over Bush's Disastrous Presidency
One of the most obnoxious parts of the Republican propaganda campaign against the left is the constant blaming of Barak Obama for America’s problems and the disparagment of his incredible accomplishments. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday hit back at the right, deciding “to poke fun at Republicans for blaming all their problems on President Obama, and…
After Hearing Pope Francis, 18 Democratic Mayors Tell Obama They'll Accept More Refugees
Europe and the Middle East are in the midst of the worst refugee crisis the world has seen since World War II and it’s reaching a boiling point. With countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel refusing to do anything to help the millions of displaced families, many people are looking to the United States to…
Trump & GOP Panic As Obama Launches Plan To Make 8 Million Immigrants Eligible To Vote
Immigration and the 11 million undocumented folks living in the United States have been catapulted to the forefront of American politics and have become the over-hyped, fabricated non-problem of the day. Donald Trump launched his campaign for president by spewing hateful rhetoric about “Mexican rapists” and scapegoating minorities in a shameful appeal to the Republican Party’s xenophobic,…
Fact-Checking FOX News: More Police Were Killed Under Reagan & Bush Than Obama
The tensions surrounding the epidemic of police brutality, institutionalized racism, and the grassroots response to it are reaching a tipping point in our nation, and the issue is becoming yet another pawn in the Republican Party’s efforts to smear President Obama and sully the legitimate need to reassess the use of violence by law enforcement. As the right-wing echo…