Fact-Checkers: Rubio Is Lying, Presidents Don’t Stop Nominating Judges Their Final Year
It took the space of less than an hour after the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia before conservatives were scrambling to find some kind of justification to block President Obama’s inevitable nominee, and declared that they would filibuster the nominee anyway, no matter who it was. Perpetual truant, anti-abortion extremist and immigration hypocrite…
Rubio’s Tax Plan Will Skyrocket Deficit While Filling The Pockets of the 1%
Like his peers, Rubio’s tax plan is a giant handout to the 1%.
Racial Profiling: Rubio’s Staff Harasses Only Three Black People At His Rally, Assumes They’re Plants
These black students and their teacher were left in tears after their traumatic episode.
Poll Shows Vicious GOP Primary Terrifying Their Own Voters
Their relentless infighting is not being well-received by voters.
Rubio Praises Paris Attacks As "Positive Development" To Exploit For Political Gain
Rubio celebrated the horror of the Paris attacks as a “positive development” for the Republican Party, since they can exploit the atrocity for political advantage.
Top Florida Newspaper To Lazy Rubio: 'Either Do Your Job Or Resign!"
“You are ripping us off, Senator. And you want us to take you seriously as a presidential candidate?”
Trump Is Gifting Dems The Latino & Asian Vote, Costing Republicans The White House
The United States of America is a nation of immigrants. It’s how the nation came to existence. No one person, outside that of the indigenous people who lived her prior to the arrival of the Pilgrims and the rest of our forefathers can say that this area of North America is exclusive to them and them…