Verizon CEO Throws Tantrum After Sanders Storms NYC Headquarters With 40,000 Strikers
Sanders definitely struck a nerve.
Koch-Puppet Scott Walker Vows To Abolish ALL Federal Unions & The NLRB
After leading a campaign of demoralizing workers as governor of Wisconsin, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker will propose abolishing unions for federal employees, dismantling the National Labor Relations Board, and making right-to-work laws the nationwide standard. Labor unions are essential for protecting the rights of workers, and collective bargaining has led to many of the…
Bernie Sanders: Unions Must Spark A 'Revolution' To Defeat The Koch Brothers
Bernie Sanders is urging unions to join him in defeating the Koch brothers and prevent them from gaining overwhelming political influence in our political system. During the Nevada State AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention, Sen. Sanders announced: “Today, as a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, the Koch brothers, the second wealthiest family in America, is…