Alabama's Racist DMV Closings Provoke Demand For Federal Voting Rights Investigation
Republicans have long been trying to make it harder for minorities to vote and participate in politics – mostly because they know minorities don’t connect with the GOP’s bigotry and exclusionary policies. One of the dirty tricks conservatives been trying to pull off is messing around with the requirements to vote – and targeting things like driver’s…
After Demanding Voter ID Laws, Alabama Republicans Close DMVs In ALL Black Counties
The state of Alabama announced that it will no longer be issuing drivers licenses in predominately African American counties. This is extremely problematic because Alabama now requires a photo ID to vote. By making it impossible to receive a driver’s license in counties where 75% of registered voters are black, they eliminate the black vote…
Alert: New Report Finds Most Voting Machines Are Old, Outdated, And Inaccurate
We should have learned our lesson in 2000. After faulty voting machines allowed George Bush to swoop in and steal the presidency from the winner of the popular vote, Al Gore, lawmakers realized that they had to update their technology. But that was 15 years ago, and a new study has found that America is facing…
Republicans Panic as Obama Announces Support for Mandatory Voting
Speaking to a civic group in Cleveland on Wednesday, President Obama struck fear in the hearts of Republican gerrymanderers and vote suppressors when he announced that the best way to fight back against the corruptive influence of money on our political system is to require everybody to vote: “If everybody voted, then it would completely…