In this clip from the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) lays the smackdown on Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his hypocritical attempts to smear Obamacare while working nonstop to try to repeal it. Ryan is attempting to blame Obama for the Supreme Court case that the Republicans brought against the ACA, and whines that “it shouldn’t surprise you that we’re more interested in talking about ObamaCare, especially given the president’s remarks this week. Whatever the Supreme Court decides later this month, I think the lesson is absolutely clear: Obamacare is flat busted.” Ryan is the man John Boehner chose to come up with a Republican alternative to Obamacare, but in lieu of that Ryan has instead chose to work tirelessly to destroy the program and deny healthcare to millions of Americans.
Sander Levin has had enough of Ryan’s pugnacious grandstanding, and calls him out on it: “I am not surprised at the tone, but I find it so counterproductive. Mr. Chairman, you talk about two-sidedness. The two sides when you say you worry about the millions who will lose their insurance when it’s your allies who brought the suit that would deprive them of insurance. You talk about concrete, having feet in concrete? That’s exactly where you’ve been in terms of ACA. Your feet have been in concrete, while you’ve brought up bill after bill to try to destroy ACA, and when you say will the President by my way or the highway, that’s precisely what has been your approach to ACA. Precisely. You’ve never sat down with us to say how can we make some changes. Instead, you have been out to destroy ACA, and you say where’s the President’s plan when the President believes that that court will and should uphold the law. All you’ve done is issue op-eds and bills, contradictory bills. You don’t have a plan. Like you haven’t had a plan for sixty years.”
Ryan is left speechless but still unashamed at his blatant hypocrisy. The Republican House has made it their number one priority to deny healthcare to millions of Americans and to ruin President Obama’s legacy, but they will fail, just as they’ve failed time and time again.
Watch it here:
h/t to PoliticusUSA