The Republican smear campaign against Hillary Clinton is firmly debunked yet again, this time by John Kirby, spokesperson from the U.S. State Department. While the right-wing has wept and moaned about the “criminal” use of a private email server by Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State, it turns out that there was no prohibition against using a private email.
Rules have been put in place now, following growing evidence of cyber-attacks by Chinese and Russian hackers, but at the time there was nothing wrong with her use during her years in the Obama Administration. It just goes to show how the right will stop at nothing to tear down one of America’s most dedicated public servants, all to distract attention from their own lack of coherent policy proposals and the increasingly fascist tendencies of their presidential front-runner.
The “scandal” began as angry Benghazi conspirators in the Senate realized they couldn’t find any emails linked to Clinton, because they were on a personal server for her own convenience. The muckraking and vitriol being thrown at Hillary Clinton by the Republican Party is most unbecoming of a proud democracy. It is part of the larger baseless and by now very personal attacks on the former First Lady.
Watch it here: