Fact: Most Guns Used in Chicago Shootings Are Bought Legally In Other States
“You can be in Chicago and be closer to a gun show in Indiana than you are to downtown.”
NYT: Trump & Republicans Have Blood On Their Hands for Doing Gun Lobby's Bidding
Gun violence in this country is a raging epidemic, snuffing out the lives of more than 30,000 Americans each year and leaving a bleak trail of unfathomable pain and suffering in its wake. The New York Times Editorial Board has had enough, definitively calling out Trump and the rest of the Republican Party for being servants…
NRA Madness: Texas Just Allowed Open Carry Guns In Psychiatric Wards
“It’s not a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue” says the NRA – while Texas permits guns in mental hospitals.
Numbers Don't Lie: Most Americans Support Obama's Executive Actions On Gun Safety
A great majority of Americans, including gun owners, agree with the President’s actions.
Just In: Felon Enraged Over Obama's Gun Reforms Shoots Up Apartment Building
He loved the NRA, had a history of mental problems, and was a convicted felon.
Paranoid Gun Owner Shoots Teen For Ringing His Doorbell
In the world of gun-crazed paranoia that the Republicans have created, even innocent pranks can lead to gunshot wounds. In Pryor, Oklahoma, a fourteen-year-old boy was shot multiple times early New Year’s Day as he and his friends were playing a harmless prank by ringing doorbells and running away. And the shooter hasn’t even been…
"Responsible Gun Owner" Kills Own Daughter, Believing She Was Intruder
Another tragic accident in the “Gunshine” State.
Uncle Shoots 2-Year Old Niece In Face While Testing His Christmas Gift
“Responsible” gun owners have claimed another victim.
NBA Declares War On NRA, Will Run Anti-Gun Violence Ads During Basketball Games
The power of consumer culture and corporate followings cannot be understated, as we saw with the economic blackballing of the Indiana earlier this year after Republican “family values” hypocrite Gov. Mike Pence signed an anti-gay “right to discriminate” law in his state. The backlash was so swift and so damaging that the law existed for…