Watch: Florida Woman Gives Rick Scott The EPIC Public Shaming He Deserves
The moment we’ve all been waiting for just arrived…
Sorry, Republican Governors: It's Illegal To Not Accept Syrian Refugees Into Your State
They are astonishingly ignorant of the U.S. Constitution.
Rick Scott Caught Red-Handed Framing Planned Parenthood With Phony Investigation Findings
Planned Parenthood had been cleared of mishandling fetal tissue, but Republicans won’t give up their fight to destroy an ethical organization that provide affordable, accessible healthcare to women. One blatant case is the way Florida Governor Rick Scott manipulated evidence that cleared Planned Parenthood, and used his power to send an entirely different, misleading message.…
Criminal Rick Scott Just Stole $1.3 Million From Taxpayers And Got Away With It
When the people of the state of Florida elected Governor Rick Scott in 2010, they literally elected a criminal. A criminal who was never sent to jail for overseeing the largest case of Medicare fraud in the nation’s history. His company, Columbia/ HCA Healthcare Corporation, was fined $1.7 billion for overbilling Medicare patients. In spite of…