Pentagon Slams Republican Benghazi Committee: Stop Wasting Our Time And Money
Even the Pentagon thinks the Benghazi Committee is a huge waste of time and money.
BUSTED: Republican Trey Gowdy Caught Using Private Email Server
The chairman of the Republicans’ Benghazi “investigation” has just been exposed as a massive hypocrite.
After Benghazi Debacle, Gowdy's Star Crashes & Cummings Emerges As New Democratic Hero
No doubt the Republican postmortem of yesterday’s Benghazi hearings will show they should be kicking themselves for ever forcing Secretary Hillary Clinton to appear before the House Committee. She endured an 11-hour debacle as she handled GOP questions professionally and – yes, presidentially – and she showed none of the partisanship in her answers that…
Dems Demand Republicans Reimburse Taxpayers $4.5 Million For Benghazi "Investigation"
With the outpouring of evidence that has revealed the true intent behind the House Benghazi committee, it’s time for some retribution. The outrageous misuse of government time and taxpayer funds on a partisan witch-hunt has prompted Senate Democrats to call for the committee’s disbandment – and the reimbursement of the $4.7 million they squandered. “Due…
BUSTED: Trey Gowdy Caught Being Bankrolled By Anti-Hillary PAC
Finally, here’s the proof that the Benghazi Select Committee has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with destroying Hillary Clinton.
Moms Of Benghazi Victims: Republicans' "Cruel, Tasteless" Attacks On Hillary Dishonor Our Sons' Memories
“Besides callous and cruel, it’s irreverent, and it does not honor, it does not respect these men.”
CIA Catches Republicans Red-Handed Altering Hillary's Emails to Smear Her
The final nail in the coffin of the House Republicans’ Benghazi “Committee”.