Tom Cotton: No Prison For Dick Cheney, He Should Be The Next House Speaker
According to traitor Tom Cotton, war criminal Dick Cheney should be the next Speaker of the House.
Traitor Cotton To Obama: You're Not My President, I Take Orders From Netanyahu
On Monday, Republican Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss their shared interests — namely, a joint effort to ensure that Iran remains on a path to developing nuclear weaponry as swiftly as possible. Cotton, who penned a letter signed by 46 Republican Senators that promised to do everything…
Watch Tom Cotton: Indiana Gays Should Be Glad We Don't Execute Them
In defense of the state’s “religious freedom” anti-gay discrimination law, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton explained to his critics that the Indiana gay community should be grateful they’re being openly discriminated against, because at least they aren’t being hanged like they are in Iran. “I think it’s important we have a sense of perspective,” Cotton said. “In…